Right place at the right time is right!
I arrived back to Bariloche after an epic ride up Carretera Austral, Chile. Lost most of my clothes while riding too fast on the ripio road. My side dry bag had been getting loose on the rack after a bungy snapped. Next thing you know, I have a weird smell coming from my bike. It was my patagonia organic clothes burning away on the muffler.
Arriving in Bariloche with one t-shirt, shopping was on my list, so I spent the day walking around to find a new t shirt.
It was nice to be back in * La Bolsa del Deporte* #1 hostel up to date! Felt like coming home, great coffee, best crepes with Dulce de Leche... yummi. I need to relax a few days after my epic journey of Patagonia winds and rough roads.
The next day was spent putting grease all over my new shirt while doing an oil change and welding repairs - once again my rack got killed on the Ripio. (bad road)
I heard the crazy news on tv about a major earthquake at 8.8 on scale! occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile on February 27, at 03:34 in the morning. I couldn't believe I was there 2 days before! in Chile, riding from Island of Chiloe. It was a sad thing to see the damage of tsunami's hitting the coast line. I rode down that coast exactly 3 months before! what if it would of happen while I was sleeping in my tent, next to the ocean! at the exact target spot.
I just couldn't believe ... The same thing had happen to me in Thailand 2003 while I was camping on Chicken Island for xmas with a bunch of friends... year after, same day, exact same spot the Island got hit with a Tsunami.
Better be at the right place at the right time!
All tunned up, greased up. I was ready to hit the road northbound Ruta 40 towards Cordoba, over 1800 kms. One city I had yet been too, so why not check it out. The 3 day mission to get there was long. Long distance of flat roads across the Pampas. I felt like I was driving across Canada in the middle of the prairies for 3 days! - Same same but different.
Cordoba is a nice city. Beautiful architecture, fairly tranquilo for a city. Great place for too much ice cream And near by the house of * Che Guevara * - an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, intellectual, guerrilla leader, diplomat, military theorist, and major figure of the Cuban Revolution.
A visiting to his house and to see the original motorcycle of the * Motorcycle Diaries * was a must do~

Down the Ripio road...