In 2008 when my partner Calixte and I rode south on our Journey... ( we spent a week in Tamarindo on the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. We wanted to ride the coast road - 180 kms of dirt and several river crossings south to Mal Pais.
It was September - rainy season - so were told the rivers were to big to cross, the road is extremely muddy and we could get shut down. - So we didn't go.
Now that I'm back on the peninsula in dry season, I had to see what this road was all about.
Craving a little Moto adventure after surfing for the past 2 months in Santa Teresa, I figured I could use a few rest days.
So my friend Jennifer and I set off for a mission- look for secret surf spots and find the perfect beach to camp. We packed my bike with a few necessities and cruised north to check out this
famous coastal road...
We left the dusty road of Santa Teresa behind us and got to Manzanillo.
From here we had to time ourself with low tide so we could get to the Bongo river
after riding on the beach for 4 kms. - Fun!
In low season the river is only mid wheel deep (on my bike). In rainy season... water would be up to the handle bars and crocodiles come out!!!
So I had fun riding back and forth cooling down and wash my bike.
Scenery along the road...
After crossing the Bongo river twice, the road was in
great condition. Thank God - No washboard.
We stopped at several beaches along the way, but none of them
seem to be what we were looking for.
Continuing along the way to Samara, we noticed a perfect stretch of palm tree road leading to
the ocean. To our surprise, we found exactly what we were looking for.
At the end of the road, the perfect quiet beach that we dreamed about.
No one around, we spent the afternoon chilling in the sun and swimming in the calm bay.
The view looking south.
Our perfect base camp.
Cool piece of driftwood on the beach.

Taking advantage of tranquility.

Deserted playa Corozilato
Little crab tracks
After the discovery of our little paradise beach. Jennifer and I were excited to come back to this spot.
My good friends T&T and their little baby girl Seanna came for a few weeks to
chill in Costa Rica. They wanted to camp somewhere quiet, so we had to show them this little gem...
this time we drove in a luxury mobile; cooler with ice and beers, stand up boards, surf board and a wack load of food...
here we go... the Bongo
Todd having too much - no drinking and driving, only river crossing and bitch pops.
Todd getting carried away at the car wash
Beach fire, starry night... we set base camp, cooked burritos on the fire...
Meanwhile the girls performed some Zumba dancing by the fire.
Back to paradise, our little cabana under the palm trees... this Time Jennifer and I decided to sleep
in our hammock in the little bamboo hut.

What more do you need??? ocean view, cool breeze, a roof, hammock with a view
and FREE...

Our beach hotel.
Not a bad place to wake up and great TV channel!
Jennifer on surf watch
unfortunately, no surf... big close outs.
Todd cheff'in up breakfast

That's right!!! Bacon and eggs man... tasty!
Little Seanna sleeping in.
T&T's camp set up. (SUP)
Bacon and eggs on the fire.
Driving on playa Manzanillo
Todd was excited to get out on his stand up paddle board. When we arrived in Corozalito
the waves were huge! 2 surfers were out, they spent most of their time battling strong current and getting pounded by close outs. I decided not to surf, it didn't look promising.
So I had a nap in my hammock... we'd been drinking a few beers already and the heat of the day was calling a siesta... but not for Todd.
Little warmed up on a few bitch pops, Todd figured the close out sessions were over, the ocean seemed to have calmed down quite a bit ( dramatically ) "Ocean was like a lake, it looked calm." I'm going out for a paddle...
Those were Todd's last famous words...
I had just woken up from a little nap in my hammock on the upper deck of our Hotel. I see Todd... there he is standing up on his inflatable C4 Stand up paddle board. At first I wasn't sure if was still dreaming or something. I see a little figurine facing a double overhead set of waves coming straight for him. I scratch my eyes as to try and wake up. There's Todd, going for the big dive under the giant white wash. Another set is coming, Todd's head pops back up, one hand on his paddle, the rubber board is 10 feet in the air. few seconds later, the other sets rises and another close out wave pounds across the entire beach and another one and then a last one.
Meanwhile I see Todd fighting for his life trying not to drown or loose his paddle.
"shit.. do I have to go get him with my surfboard?? " I'm thinking...
"What if his leash snaps!"
The set of 4 double overhead waves is gone. Todd finally gets a grip to catch the next white wash in...
He walks over to us, almost blue, scarred shit, still shaken for his beating.
"what the hell were you doing out there?" I ask.
"it looked small I thought it calmed down, but I guess it didn't, maybe we should go somewhere a little quiet? "
He walks up to the Hotel hammock, and passes out for a little while.
Todd is an amazing river Stand Up paddler... but in the ocean, a few lessons are still needed to be learned.
When it's big and closing out!
It's better to stand on the beach not in front of a 2 meter wave.
Later on the next day we drove up to Samara to check it out... we spent the day under palm trees at a beautiful playa Camaronal. T&T were able to get out and paddle a little while we watched Seanna have a nap.
At least this time Todd came out of the water with a tan... and not Blue or scared shitless...