Bianca and her G11... to see more images and stories of Bianca, visit her blog... www.nomadbiba.com

Funny name, but excellent wine!

Quail's Gate winery, Kelowna BC.

Beautiful sunset along the highway 97.
After sampling some tasty wine at a few wineries around Kelowna, we continued on towards Jasper passing by Kamloops
on the Yellowhead highway. We drove until Clearwater then decided to drive up to Well Grey Provincial Park to sleep at
Helmcken Falls parking lot so the next day we could check out this beautiful waterfall. It was a perfect place to
spend the night under a cold clear starry sky. Luckily no bears came to visit us throughout the night to see if
any food was available for a late night snack. It was another clear day offering great scenery as we continued
on North towards Jasper. We were lucky to see Mount Robson (3954meters) completely clear. A real treat for Bianca
to see the mighty beast - Canadian Rockies tallest mountain.
We arrived in Jasper to met Calixte, my travel partner for the first year of my motorcycle journey. Cal and I hadn't seen
each other since he had left Costa Rica (sept 2009) so we were looking forward to catch up. Calixte and I had left Jasper
on our motorbikes on September 29th, 2007. The timing couldn't have been better as we arrived in Jasper on the same
date, sept 29th - exactly 4 years after our departure day. Cal had friends visiting so we fired up the BBQ and celebrated
bringing back memories of the Cal and Al mission (www.calalmission.blogspot.com)

A memory shot - 4 years ago... same date... leaving Jasper along the Ice Field Parkway...

Newlyweds traveling in style.

Spahat falls in Well Grey Provincial Park.

Helmcken Falls in Well Grey Provincial Park. One of Canada's most beautiful waterfall.

Bianca felling the power of water.

Beautiful peaks along the way on the Yellowhead Highway.

The mighty Mount Robson - Canadian Rockies highest mountain at 3954 meters

Bianca practicing a little bouldering.

Mount Fitzwilliam

Moose Lake near Mount Robson.
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