It was an early morning start. We packed up the bikes and rode to Panama city international airport. We didn't get lost this time, fairly easy to find the hwy to the airport. We needed to be at Girag Cargo Terminal to leave our bikes by 9 am... (but first, we had to find it!) Time was going by.
Got there at 9:30 am unpacked the bikes. We didn't need to do much except take off our mirrors and some paperwork. - Oh ya... and pay lots of Cash!!
Our flight was at 11:30am. The next mission was to get ourselves to the airport, several miles away. Paying for a taxi was out of the question since we gave all our money to Girag. One of the the staff took us to the airport with his old run down truck. Driving at 15kms / hr we were starting to get nervous about being late to catch our flight. Finally got there, checked in our bags, all went smooth, next thing we knew, we were sitting in our plane about to take off for a new adventure into South America.
Angela got a little nervous when she found out that our plane was nothing but a small twin prop. ( she hates flying!!)
To top things out, we were sitting in the back with a mom and little baby in front of us... when the little guy decided to shit his pants and vomit before take off... the entire plane smelled. A boy next to Angela nearly threw up cause of the smell. Also did we.
Once the plane was air born, the mom could finally change the little man's dippers. Ouff!!!
We sat back, looking out the window over the Pacific ocean. Thinking about all the good memories of the past year. The beautiful places, people, landscapes in 20 000 plus kms thru North & Central America. Excited to see what South America is all about...
Colombia.... here we come!
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