We rode 30 KMS north of Bogota to visit this Cathedral built in a salt mine. The traffic in Bogota is a nightmare. Buses, taxis and locals who think they are in a race track were passing us left and right. Not far out of the city I was asked to pull over by the police. We were expecting to be pulled over lots in Colombia. This was the first time - day 4 -
The police officer was about 18 years old. Looked at me and my bike.... " Your Title! " he ask, he only wanted to see my papers, not Angela's. I gave him my bike papers, he looked at them confused then hand them back to me. " From Canada" - I said. Ok GO.
Off we went, making our way to Zipaquira.
Curving and twisting tunnels descend into the Roman Catholic church, passing 14 small chapels representing the stations of the cross, which illustrate the events of Jesus' last journey. Each station has a cross and several kneeling platforms carved into the salt structure. The temple at the bottom has three sections, representing the birth, life, and death of Jesus.
The Cathedral was an impressive site. We made our way back to Bogota to find the traffic even worse then it was on the way out. Being stuck in traffic in a city like Bogota sucks!
Diesel trucks and buses will suffocate you with black smoke thick enough to blind you. Angela nearly got ran over when a bus cut her off so close that the rear end of the bus hit her harm! After an hour or so being stuck in heavy traffic, we finally found our hotel. Thank God!!!
We rested for a couple hours before we were asked to bring our bikes to a special overnight parking lot. The streets around the city are mostly one way. The parking lot was only a block away. We couldn't make a left turn to the street we needed to go. Trying to navigate our way to the parking lot was more of an epic then we expected. I got cut off by a bus and was forced to take a wrong turn while Angela was going another way. So there we were both lost.
After a few detours, I found my way back to the hotel to see if Angela was waiting. - No Angela - I decided to make my way to the parking lot and pulled off the " Illegal " left turn.
There was still no signs of Angela. I ran to the hotel to see if she found her way there, but still no signs. Waited at the parking lot... 1/2 hour later, she arrived...
She had been waiting for me at the intersection where the bus cut us off.
We looked at each other.... " It's time to get the Hell out of this city!!!"
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